This is it! My first blog. I just love saying that word....Buh Lah Guh. Something kinda fun about it. I imagine that if you tried to say it after having your face numbed for a dental procedure that it could be quite funny. But I digress...
Anyway, I've been toying with the idea of doing one of these for a while. I get the urge to put my thoughts down sometimes. Sometimes deep thoughts, other times just waxing a little poetic, or pathetic as the case may be. So, for any of you bored enough to want to read along on this "bruehaha" of an excursion that I call my life and times welcome. Jump on in.
But I gotta warn ya, my life ain't simple and I don't plan to put up a rose colored facad as so many of my Christian brothers and sisters are want to do.
So, in the words of one of my favorite characters, Jon Luc Picard....."Engage" (Yes I know i'm a geek)
yeah.. I'll follow ... I love doing my blog and look forward to following yours