As a parent of two beautiful daughters who are 6 and 9 years old, I find myself encountering things that make my heart swell with pride quite often. Just about as often as I find myself reminding my girls "that I brought them into this world, and I can take them out of it" or some similar saying that I probably learned from my father. Or was it a Bill Cosby comedy routine? Hmmm...
The point is that I love being a father and I am constantly amazed at the wonder and life that they each were endowed with by their loving creator. Things that I certainly cannot take credit for. People say all the time, "Oh they take after their mother" or "She's just like her daddy". I suppose that on some level that is true. I certainly see their mother's beauty in them. Stubbornness too! (Love you dear) chuckle, chuckle...
Sometimes though one of them will say, or do something that is one of those moments that just makes me sit in awe because I know its a spark of the divine showing forth. Its as if a glimmer of recognition of her true Father-in-heaven comes to the surface. Last night was one of those moments with my youngest.
We call her "tunia bug" and she is, despite all the challenges that she's had to face in her young life, full of a grace and maturity that is beyond her years. She embodies the little girl "princess" persona that most little girls her age aspire to. Yet she also has a capacity for love and God's truth and grace that blows me away every time she let's it shine forth. It's because of her maturity and her thirst for God and his word that I sometimes let her journal at nighttime. Its sometimes a source of contention because she would rather do that than go to bed when its bedtime. And she's only six so she doesn't always have the truest of motives when she asks. In spite of that, I've felt that there's something there that needs to be cultivated and nurtured so I've given her permission to do so often when she asks.
Here is what happened: I came in to her room to turn out her light and make her finally "go to bed" after receiving the look from mommy because she was still awake when mommy came back from a trip to the store. I went in to say one last "goodnight" and she asked me if she could show me the song she had just written. I said sure. She then sang to me the sweetest few lines.
"I Love the snow when it gets played in. And when the rain falls down. And I love sunny days as well."
There was a peace and presence in her room. I knew what it was. Or should I say I knew Who it was. My little girl was tapping into a gift that had been given to her by her heavenly Father and He had showed up to see her use it. I'm sure it was because he was blessed by it. I was too and I knew it was one of those special times that are all too rare in the hurried pace of modern life.
Understand, its not because the words were all that profound. The words on the page were misspelled the way most 1st graders would. Neither was it because the melody was so pure. It wasn't even because her voice was like that of an angel. It was in my opinion, simply a Father delighting in his child. I guess you could say both fathers were delighting in their child.
I love those moments. They do seem to be rare, but they generally seem to happen when I could use a little encouragement or a gentle reminder of the Father's love. Thanks for sharing it.
ReplyDeleteThat was so sweet. I love it.