Saturday, June 26, 2010

Carpet cleaning...and other general craziness at our house

So last week I had a second "surgery" on my right shoulder.  It was more like a procedure really.  I had not gotten all of my ROM (That's Range of Motion for you lay people out there) back and had hit a wall in physical therapy. Now I'm recovering from a procedure and on narcotics for pain, albeit not taking them that much. And I'm supposed to be working from home this week because we are always "encouraged" to keep our billable utilization as high as possible.  So remote phone training sessions and other services are what I'm trying to provide while I'm rehabbing my bum shoulder.  PT appointments every day as well.
Well, it just so happens that we have been trying (not very hard) to get a bid for someone to come fix the walls and ceiling in our master bedroom from water damage that occurred during last years spring storms.  We got a bid we liked and the guy could start right away so we decided to do that at the same time.  This meant taking all the furniture out of the master bedroom and filling the rest of the house with it.  Which of course made the house unlivable for the week so we all moved to Grandma's house. 
Phew.....    We had a lot going on I guess you could say.   Well, when you clear a room of its furniture you really get a good look at the carpet in the room.  Underneath all the dust-bunnies it needed help.  So we thought, let's clean the carpets too.
Those carpet cleaning machines that you can rent from Albertson's are great.  Maybe too great... It did such a good job on our master bedroom that we thought we'd move a bunch of furniture around in the other rooms and clean all the carpets. We have a blond dog, a snow white cat and forest green carpets in all the bedrooms, living room and dining room.
Picture all of this with me crammed up in the corner of the dining room trying to work with furniture from the master bedroom all around me. Nothing like a little last minute home improvement project!   Of course, I forgot to mention that my daughter was attending a diabetes day camp put on my the ADA across town so we had to ferry her back and forth every morning and afternoon as well.  The funny thing is, it didn't really seem that abnormal for us.
Yes, my life really is a bruehaha.  And not just sometimes.

P.S.  The doctor wanted to really make sure we're getting the most out of our PT this time so he sent me home with my own personal torture rack to stretch my shoulder. 
See picture below taken at Grandma's house.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. A personal rack... how lucky are you :) Here's to a complete and quick recovery
